Dr. Achilles Karagiozis Brings a Hands-on Approach to Building Science
We chatted with Dr. Karagiozis to address key learnings regarding the role of Building Science in advancing high performance homebuilding.
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From the start, the relationship between Quail Homes and Owens Corning has been based on trust. From top-notch customer service, to the attention to detail that goes into one of their homes, partnering with Owens Corning is helping Quail Homes exceed buyers’ expectations before, during and after construction.
What is a net-zero home? What’s your next move if you’re thinking of offering a net-zero option? Learn more about this growing trend.
A house is a complex system of different components assembled together. Correctly integrating these systems in a cost effective way is key when developing a high performance home. Therefore, there has to be a systems thinking when putting together a high performance building.
Since unvented attics started appearing and getting into the code, building science thinking has changed so much. See how code challenges were overcome to allow proper use of vapor retarders across the country.
Whether you aim to simply meet code, achieve a specific certification level or go significantly beyond, there are some pratical steps you can take toward creating a high-performance building envelope.
Building Codes, Comfort, Energy Efficiency, HERS, Smart Home
Add another selling point for new homes—homeowners consider them healthier than homes built before 2001, according to the Houzz 2014 Healthy Home Trends Study.
Building Codes, Healthy Home, Homebuyer Education, Smart Home
Thermal insulation has been used in buildings all over the world for many decades. Yet every so often, even seasoned professionals face a difficult time explaining how it works. And frankly, the mechanisms involved are not that simple. Find out more about how insulation works in this article.
We’re all in this together. Building science can help builders achieve goals, and in turn, builders can help building science teams learn from their experiences helping builders. These partnerships help build better homes.
The latest version of the energy code offers a new way to achieve significant energy savings while providing builders with more flexibility. Find out what you need to know.
To build a house to the rigorous Passive House standards involves a large investment that may be challenging to many profit-minded home builders. The idea of lowering the home’s carbon footprint is certainly appealing to many homeowners, but the substantial upfront cost is a roadblock that may be tough to overcome. This article offers a few ideas for overcoming this roadblock and building a higher performing home.